Jobs and Work Based Learning

Dear Students,

These are a few website links that many local employers use. In some cases there will be duplication but in many cases each site will offer different jobs so it is important to visit and (revisit) these. Most jobs that are listed are for adults or people with degrees but there are jobs for you sprinkled within. Feel free to visit me in room 203 (or email to inquire about fresh job opportunities that come across my desk.

Mr. Wilson

Worked Base Learning:
Work based learning is a for-credit and for-pay job experience. To qualify for work-based learning, a student  must work at their job site for at least ten hours a week. Work-based learning does not take place during school  hours, unless students have permission for early release. Click here for fillable PDF form.
New at BHS! Earn service hours exploring your career pathway!
Discover the leading career exploration and career planning platform and earn community service hours while discovering your path. You all have Username (UN) and Password (PW) credentials in place and can immediately begin using (VJS). Since its inception, the community service policy was designed to also promote career exploration. You can earn up to ten hours as a result of conducting job shadows and this platform allows you to achieve this virtually. This platform also provides interest surveys that connect to career clusters that fit your interests. You can also build and save a resume, set and save goals, and explore colleges and current jobs related to your career interests. Click here to access Pathful Explore!



“Jobs to Careers”

Search by your zip code or Brunswick’s 04011

“Jobs in Maine”
Search by your zip code or Brunswick’s 04011

Student Shellfish Harvesters
Here is the page that Town Clerk Fran Smith will put all info – there is link on the homepage, Marine Resources/Licensing and Town Clerk/Licensing

Fran Smith -Town Clerk