Updates from Mr. Henninger
January 3, 2023
Brunswick High School’s midterm exams will take place January 17 – January 20 (daily schedule below). Assessments will be administered to all students in grades 9-12. During midterm exam week, teachers will provide an exam (essay, multiple choice, etc.) or final experience (project, performance, etc.). The specific assessment format will be determined by the classroom teacher. Course grades along with other data will help guidance counselors and administrators identify students who could benefit from extra help/RTI A and B. Here are some additional important details about exam week: Click for full letter!
During a recent presentation to the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) from Student Government, students noted that academic pressure, specifically midterms and finals, is one of the most significant stressors in their lives. Notwithstanding, the students agreed that an assessment that measured long-term retention of course content and skills is important and enables teachers to assess their instructional effectiveness. To this end, we determined that a change in exam weighting, coupled with social workers’ recommendations and strategies, would strike an appropriate balance between the need for midterm and final assessments and the stress from this academic pressure.
After working with BHS students, namely Student Government and my student advisory group, and in consultation with social workers and the ILT, I have decided to support the following change to the midterm and final exam weighting: Click for full details!
April 4, 2022
Dear BHS students, parents, and staff:
The purpose of this letter is to call your attention to an upcoming survey and focus groups for Brunswick High School students, parents, and staff. The Brunswick School Department and School Board have partnered with Dr. Elizabeth Allan and Dr. Dave Kerschner from StopHazing. StopHazing’s mission is to promote safe and inclusive school, campus, and organizational environments through research, resource sharing, and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention and the promotion of positive group climates.
January 9, 2022
Dear Students and Parents:
After meeting with Superintendent Potenziano regarding his consultation with the Brunswick School Department (BSD) COVID-19 Health Team members, school administrators, and the Brunswick School Board, there will be no in-person instruction for BHS students at Brunswick High School, Region 10, REAL School, and the Off-Campus Learning Center this week. Remote learning will occur from Tuesday, January 11, through Friday, January 14. Also, all in-person co- and extra-curricular activities, including athletics and after-school clubs and activities, are paused until further notice. We anticipate in-person learning and the above in-person activities to resume on Tuesday, January 18.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we will resume our school-wide remote learning protocol. Students will follow their individual schedules according to the school’s bell schedule found here. Teachers will conduct classes on Google Meets and assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. All classes, including social-emotional learning (SEL)(FLEX period), special education services, and ESOL services will be taught synchronously through Google Meets mirroring the schedule a student goes through when in person.
Although teachers will use the current 85-minute class period during this remote week to provide synchronous direct instruction, guided practice, and independent practice, they are not planning to have students online the full class period. We will alternate Black and Orange days as usual. Below is the Black and Orange rotation for the week:
Monday, January 10 – No instruction
Tuesday, January 11 – Orange Day
Wednesday, January 12 – Black Day
Thursday, January 13 – Orange Day
Friday, January 14 – Black Day
I want to remind students that they will not attend study hall remotely this week. Also, the lunch period is one hour each instructional day this week. Additionally, case managers, guidance counselors, social workers and technology integrators are available by phone, email and by appointment on Google Meets.
Due to the excessive student absences, together with the current pandemic surge and the impact that has had on the BHS teachers and staff’s ability to operate the school effectively, I, in consultation with Superintendent Potenziano and the District’s leadership team, have decided we will cancel midterm exams. Instead, the 2nd Quarter will be extended until January 21st. The week scheduled for midterms January 18th-21st will no longer be half days, but full days (7:45-2:10). Students will attend all their classes to finish up Quarter 2. Students’ first semester and midterm grades will be calculated as follows:
Student John Doe 1st Quarter Grade – 85
2nd Quarter Grade – 95
Midterm Exam Grade Calculation: (85 + 95)/2 = 90
Semester One Grade: (85 x .40) + (95 x .40) + (90 x .20) = 90
Students’ midterm grade will be the average of the 1st and 2nd quarter grades as noted in the example above. Students’ semester one grades are calculated by multiplying the 1st and 2nd quarter grades each by .40 and the midterm grade calculated by .20. The three resulting numbers are added to determine the semester one grade, also noted in the example above. Students and parents with questions about a student’s grade calculations should reach out to the student’s teachers and or guidance counselor.
I realize that given this short notice, and that this letter may not cover everything, I have assigned three administrative assistants at the high school to answer phones this week and questions you may have about our return to remote learning. I am mindful of the additional stress and disruption this week of remote learning places upon all of us in the BHS community. This pandemic has been and continues to be a weighty challenge all of us are struggling to meet. I thank you for your understanding and for your realization that we are all in this together. This too shall pass.
Most sincerely,
Troy P. Henninger
Bell Schedule Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ggr-LJ-7sjr-eSiA_qJU0DAR4Zq1tNYhZDKExp6qf8g/edit?usp=sharing
December 10,2021
Dear Families,
Mid-term exams will take place from January 18-21. Please review the mid-term exam schedule and supporting details with your student, and if you have any questions contact the main office at 319-1910. Click for details and exam schedule!
November 19, 2021
Dear Families,
The Brunswick High School late bus service will begin on Tuesday, November 30th. The bus will depart B.H.S. promptly at 4:00 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session. To ride the late bus, your student will need to secure a blue late bus pass from their teacher or the main office.
The late bus service will make the following stops: Click for the full letter with full details!
Winter Activities Offered at Brunswick High School
November 12, 2021
Dear Families,
As winter will soon be upon us and we're forced to spend more time indoors, I'd like to call your attention to all of the clubs and activities available at Brunswick High School(BHS). Specifically, I'd like to call to your attention a variety of drop-in activities available at BHS. In addition to a wide variety of clubs that meet regularly, students are invited to participate in the following activities:
3 Ways to Receive BHS Announcements
November 2, 2021
Dear Families,
The purpose of this letter is to call your attention to a few ways you can stay abreast of what is happening at BHS. Please consider using all of the following options:
#1: Apple or Android App
#2: BHS Website
#3: Signup on your PowerSchool Portal to receive them via email
Click here for directions to receive "BHS Daily Announcements"
OCT 13, 2021
Dear Families,
The purpose of this letter is to call your attention to our school-wide remote learning protocol
in the event Brunswick High School and the Off-Campus Learning Center must return to remote learning. You may review details of the BHS Remote Learning Plan through links in the attached. Students will follow their individual schedules according to the school’s bell schedule. Teachers will conduct classes on Google Meets and assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. All classes, including social-emotional learning (SEL)(FLEX period), special education services, and ESOL services will be taught synchronously through Google Meets mirroring the schedule a student goes through when in person.
Thank you for being aware of this possibility and prepared to help your student adjust to full
remote learning should the school need to return to that learning plan.
Troy P. Henninger
SEP 23, 2021
Dear Families,
The purpose of this letter is to call your attention to a new student absence protocol effective immediately. When a student will miss five or more consecutive days of school, for any excused reason, the student and parent/guardian must contact the student’s teachers via those teachers’ school e-mail to request the student’s course assignments while the student is absent.
Notwithstanding, teachers must provide the student’s course assignments to the student and parent/guardian via email or Google Classroom within the first three days of the student’s extended absence. In the e-mail, each teacher will provide the student a list of assignments with due dates and other pertinent information and instructions. Teachers must also schedule at least one communication with the student and parent/guardian (a brief phone and/or Google Meet) in the first four days of the student’s absence to ensure the student understands and can complete all assignments to the teacher’s satisfaction.
During the extended absence, teachers will update grades in PowerSchool as assignments are submitted. If the student’s grade(s) do not appear in PowerSchool after three days from the assignment’s submission, students and parents/guardians should contact the teacher(s) of the course with the missing grade. Additionally, students and parents/guardians should contact the student’s guidance counselor as needed, for assistance during the period of extended absence.
Thank you for adhering to these new protocols that will help us ensure students are not falling behind during an extended absence.
Troy P Henninger
AUG 24, 2021
Dear Parent and Students,
Welcome to the 2021 – 2022 school year. I hope you’ve been enjoying a wonderful summer in Maine and are ready for another year at Brunswick High School.
Over the summer, the staff and I have been busy preparing for your arrival. In addition to extensive cleaning of the building, we have also trimmed trees and spruced up the grounds; the building and campus look great! Also, the Off Campus Learning Center has moved from the Hawthorne School to Coffin School. The newly renovated spaces of the Coffin School will enhance the learning experiences for students. For students attending the Off Campus Learning Center, more information regarding this location change is forthcoming via e-mail from Mr. Routhier and Mr. Thompson.
We are delighted to announce our new staff members: Ryan Bullock, Special Education Ed Tech; Bender Caiola, Social Studies; Brian Choate, Math; April Doane, Special Education; Trent Trombley, Custodian; Meredith Vogel, Social Worker; and Aaron Watson, Athletic Director. When your paths cross, please help us welcome them to BHS.
For your planning purposes, August 30th is a full day for 9th & 10th grade students only, with lunch provided. Mr. Gagnon and Ms. Cook will e-mail more information about the schedule for this day. Students will spend this initial day engaged in a variety of orientation activities including ice breakers, introductions to their classes and teachers, meetings with guidance counselors, study skills advising and tours of the campus. On August 31st, all students (9th – 12th) will be in session for the full day. Additionally, I refer you to the Superintendent’s letter datedAugust 19, 2021. The letter highlights key components of the School Board approved Health and Safety Plan. Please review the plan with your student before August 30th.
For new students and parents, please spend some time exploring the BHS website. It is full of useful information, dates, names, forms, policies, and procedures covering a vast range of topics and questions you may have. If you do not find specific information or answers to your questions on our website, please contact the main office reception.
As principal, I look forward to working with you to maintain a safe and enriching learning environment for all students. Until our paths cross, welcome to Brunswick High School.
Troy P. Henninger