Sport Signups will continue through Friday, September 9, 2022.

Field Hockey, 8th Grade Girls Soccer and Cross Country will start on Tuesday, September 6 from 2:35-4:00pm for students who have completed and returned the required athletic paperwork.

Boys Soccer will practice at the following days from 2:35-4:00 for students who have completed and returned the required athletic paperwork.:

Tuesday 9/6: 8th grade only

Wednesday 9/7: 7th grade only

Thursday 9/8: both 7 and 8th

Friday 9/10: optional for both

7th Grade Girls Soccer will start at a later date and we will update this as soon as we can.

Please make sure athletes have water and athletic clothing for practice!

Please make sure you submit all of the required forms. We need the athletic participation permission form, bus agreement, athlete's contract and eligibility for extracurricular activities and permission from the athlete's doctor. All forms and registrants must be in by September 9 in order to participate in games/meets. Athletic forms can be found here:

If you are unable to print these forms, you are welcome to come by Brunswick Junior High School to pick up a packet or call the main office to have a packet mailed to you. The main office phone number is 207-319-1930.

Questions? Feel free to contact Bonnie Robbins, Athletic Director at