Brunswick School Department is pleased to announce that the Maine Principals Association released an updated plan that allows for High School athletics to begin with, the exception of football and volleyball. We recognize that participation in High School athletics has known health benefits, including promoting physical fitness and the mental well being of our students. Mr. Ramich, our athletic director, will be developing protocols that adhere to the MPA guidelines to ensure a safe return to athletics. Practices may begin on Monday, September 14, 2020, and schedules are being developed and will be shared as soon as possible. Lastly, we also want to acknowledge the impact and disappoint the decision not to allow High School football and volleyball has created. However, we are exploring alternative methods of play that adhere to MPA guidelines. Please stay tuned for more information. #GoDragons
over 3 years ago, Dan Dearing
bhs athletics
DRAFT BSD 2020-21 Programming Plan: | BSD 2020-21 Programming Board Presentation: Please be advised this is a working document – additional information will be added and sections will be revised regularly. Just a reminder that you can send feedback and questions to
over 3 years ago, Ashley LaCroix